If you are working, your motive should be not merely to earn money to make a living but to acquire knowledge, skills and experience to build a life. You should be working to eventually work for yourself; to, at the end of the day, report to no one but yourself, to be the boss of yourself.

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Its a known fact that many have lost their 9–5 hour job as a result of the global pandemic, not just in developing country but in very advanced countries too. And, there are those who have been placing their future prospects on private individuals and the government with respect to landing ‘a great job’. Many of these individuals have been left disappointed. 

Click here to Download Readymade Editable Tools & Templates - Business Continuity Plan (BCP), Business Plan, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Project Proposal Toolkit etc. here.

This doesn’t have to happen to you, if it hasn’t happened. And, if it has unfortunately happened, there is hope! The hope lies in what I call ‘MENTAL SHIFT’. This refers to a change in one’s mindset or mentality; from the mindset of ‘TRYING TO LAND A GREAT JOB TO WORKING TO CREATE A GREAT JOB’. Many college graduates, often, in their mind frowns at the concept of creating a job for these two cogent reasons:

Click here to Download Readymade Editable Tools & Templates - Business Continuity Plan (BCP), Business Plan, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Project Proposal Toolkit etc. here.

  1. lack of capital (the NUMBER ONE reason),
  2. and, lack of relevant knowledge, skills and experience.

But the truth is, these two will not get into the way with this time-tested guide from an expert, below! 


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